Without Knowledge, Power Is Lost, As Power Is Lost, So Is Understanding Lost And So Is True Knowledge Lost

Where we are now, in the paradigm of inflation, economics, politics and the common good, may be more than interesting to a chaotic mind, but here are people who are evolving and whose minds are monumentally different from the minds of the vast majority of humanity.

Once again, we must prepare for the surreal 'return' of the Co-Vid epidemic, which is still just an excuse to dismantle the common good and the economy. Meanwhile, the Jews are enjoying the goyim's terror of an "epidemic" with a lethally low mortality rate, deliberately designed against us Gentiles.

Gentiles have always been a threat to Jewry, that is why we are where we are.

But to do that we need to understand all that is happening now. People hate each other simply because of political or religious views, and this has a powerful effect on human relations. This is a fact.

As time goes on, understanding will unfold and ignorance will make us aware of everything that is happening right now, in this moment. Jews have always gained power for themselves through lies and slander. Look at the most influential companies, multinationals, banks that are concentrated in their hands.

It is a form of parasitism, where the virtues that have an existential impact on the Gentiles are imposed willy-nilly by the Jews on everything that happens to be ours. The aliens who call themselves this race have nothing that is theirs, they have merely falsified everything that is ours.

The war, in which two Jewish parties "fight" each other, is all a plan of Jewry, while mobilizing something in the background.

In my view, this war will not end in 2022, because the enemy is not at the top now, because more and more people are waking up and scratching their heads about how to maintain what they have to live for.

While people are rebelling against corruption in some countries, the Jews are sitting back and enjoying all that they have caused. We are only two years into the decade and we have already reached an absolute catastrophic point where reason and logic should prevail, not emotion.

Many people feel sorry for the Jews because they label themselves 'victims'. This is sheer deception of the Pagan nations of humanity.

The Joy Of Satan has been a "exceptional" since its existence, religiously, spiritually and politically. Anyone who seeks Truth or wants to evolve and live with the Knowledge bequeathed to us by the Gods, should knock on the door of the Joy Of Satan, which kindly lets them in.

Surrender equals failure, as lack of Knowledge equals ignorance. Hephaestus did not give up, as he was twice thrown off Olympus. He set up his own workshop and set about systematically to exact his revenge. We too must persevere, however difficult that may be at the moment.

Without knowledge the human soul cannot evolve Spiritually and cannot give its soul and itself all that it needs.

The Joy Of Satan is the source of Ancient Faith and Knowledge, where all is given for man to evolve to Perfection and enjoy the fruits of this Path.

Jewry has destroyed all that we call Knowledge today. This was a given in the older civilizations, and in that age there were no corruptions, no slanders. Everyone lived in his own evolution, together with the Gods. The human spirit was monumentally developed in those times.

Unfortunately, the opposite is happening in our times. People have regressed and forgotten all that was once commonplace. Meaningless, physical phenomena have taken the place of 'happiness', which evoke false virtues and destructive euphoria.

It is easy to become addicted to these, and then we can become the forgers of our own souls, only in a bigger and worse sense of the word. Social networking sites, where the human mind is imprisoned, are a prop suffering from a sense of inferiority. Everyone wants to show their best face, which is not a reflection of reality.

Without knowledge, power cannot unfold.

Just as in life we need resources, Knowledge needs a driving force to mobilise them all. All Magical Work is driven by power and energy, as they are an integral part of our daily lives. The possibility of Spirituality and progress is present in our lives every day.

There are countless situations in which we can evolve and these may be the most common phenomena. Knowledge is the key here, from which the power to make things happen manifests. Without power there is no action, no tactics, and last but not least, no Knowledge.

Through systematic meditation, we accumulate a wealth of power that can be applied in countless situations.

Likewise, without power, understanding is lost, for if there is no Knowledge, there is no power, and in the monumental absence of power, there is no understanding. It is a process that is part of our everyday life and can be applied to our everyday life.

Spiritual Satanism leads to power through Knowledge, beyond power to understanding, and through understanding to True Knowledge.

To understand something you need a certain Knowledge to understand it, but to know something you don't necessarily understand it. The Joy Of Satan gives Knowledge, and through it, understanding. There is a great gulf between Knowledge and Understanding, and if one is given, the other can be attained.

To understand the current trend in this chaotic economic, religious and human paradigm, we need to know of its existence. Those who are just going with the flow are not really aware of what is happening in this world. They are just drifting along without any real understanding or Knowledge.

The monumental majority of people just conform to what is dictated to them.

But the fact is that the Pagan society will wake up and all this will cease. Knowledge will not remain a secret and all those people who truly deserve it will get their share. At some point all "dark" ages will end, but it will take a concerted effort.

Without Knowledge, Power Is Lost, As Power Is Lost, So Is Understanding Lost And So Is True Knowledge Lost.


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