Wake Up Pagan Nation - Fighting Under The Banner Of Truth

We have reached the point where things and phenomena are starting to become more relevant. The deluded people will realize that they are actually floating in a cloud of illusion where things are held and maintained and exist by the enemy.

People need to come to the realization that what is now, or what was and will be in the near future, is being directed against them by the nefarious ideas of parasitism, and we exist in a destructive paradigm system where if one has their own independent thoughts, that person is ostracized from the herd.

If we don't want to, we don't have to conform.

What we have done so far has caused great stress and danger in the ranks of the enemy. Their lies will be exposed and people will find out after a while. Countries, states are under deception, but if there is only one Truth Spreader in these countries, that is the starting point.

Many people are waking up and more and more people are beginning to see the chaos that is going on in our society at the moment, and that the Jews have created. You can see the faces of people in the current situations - you will meet few happy people. We have come this far, it is no longer about frivolity or laziness.

Those who do not allow themselves Spiritual virtues or develop their souls and minds will fall out in the times to come and we will be surrounded by monumental nihilists. This is already obvious, but We are here to hold it back and eventually prevent it.

JoS gives you everything you need.

Anyone who turns to us and takes the time to read will know and begin to understand exactly what is happening in this world. The misfortunes are all due to ignorance in this civilization, and the Jews will take everything (including your soul) if you cannot protect yourself. This is no joke.

It may not happen yet as things stand, but things are beginning to manifest and unfold. Anyone who thinks that Spiritual Satanism is all about foot-dragging and frivolity will find the opposite. At most, he will learn from his own mistake.

Systematic practice of Meditation, Yoga, Magic will advance the soul's apse and take it to higher levels of understanding. But for this you need to understand all that is the human Soul, Body and Mind. By working on your soul, you become free from hostile manipulation and pure in spirit.

This phenomenon is a manifestation of what the Mind holds within itself.

With the power of your Mind you can do many things, either for yourself or to the detriment of others. With the power of your mind and the purity of your soul you will evolve to the point where you will finally reach Perfection, which this time includes Mind, Soul and Body.

This is one of the many goals of Spiritual Satanism.

Look around the world and analyze the phenomena it provides. You will see little but ignorance, slander and lies. You must step out of the bubble that the enemy is in and see the other side of what is happening. But to do that you have to force your mind.

I have been experiencing chaotic and strange phenomena lately.

I attribute these to "attacks" by the enemy as they begin to feel their loss. When we talk openly about the enemy, whether on the Forums or elsewhere, we may be under some kind of attack. It is a sign that you are speaking the Truth about those who have infected the Truth with lies and fabrications.

You must not give in to them, because if you pay even a moment's attention to them, they can easily stay with you. There is nothing to keep them alive, they are simply there with you, and the way to keep them away is to simply ignore them. The tendency of your development will not tilt in a constructive direction if you deal with them.

I have been talking to the Gods and Satan more and more lately, and what they tell me is quintessentially uplifting.

I need these conversations because although I've reached a pretty high level in Magic, Astrologically I'm prone to delusions, so I have to say they happen quite often. I ignore most of them, but one or two make me wonder, and that's one of the worst things to do at such times.

Many times my Guardian Demon comes to me and reassures me with such looks. I really like Her words and She said that these deceptions are meant to hinder my progress. I tend to be prone to negative things (addictions, addictions, but again, that's just the Astrological aspect for me).

I have never lived with such substances as I would not like to, and the Gods would probably not allow it.

We have to live in a society where the enemy infects and possesses everything he can, and it's all part of the war against the Pagans. The war started a long time ago and is in place. Think of Adolf Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and the National Socialist Party.

They too fought and did everything they could against the threat of Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism and ignorance.

Many condemned them, many wanted them dead, and many fought and struggled against them, as they are doing now, against us. They did not give up and fought for Truth with all their might, so we cannot back down. They were there and We are here.

Just think if Hitler had given up at the first obstacle and retreated. The enemy could have destroyed everything without hindrance, but that did not happen. This is an edifying example of perseverance and enthusiasm, and we must continue in the same way. What Adolf Hitler started, we must finish.

He was the one who saw the danger and drew attention to the future - Jewry is a danger. National Socialism is the end of the suffering of society, and we must understand that.

From here I also write to the enemy that those who have done this are sealed. Your fate will not be better than what you have done. You must not attack as a group, but alone. If we should meet by chance, or if you try to contact me, I will break your "soul".

Protect yourselves, protect your environment, protect Pagan Culture, and trust in our Gods and Satan. The SS holds the key to the constructive door of humanity, and that key will eventually get to the right door, and the door will be cut off.

Laziness and cowardice are over. This is pure war.


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