Spiritual Satanism - The Quintessence Of Development

Spiritual Satanism is a hotbed of Knowledge where one begins a whole New Life in many paradigms. Once one joins the JoS, one is freed from the intense grip of ignorance and discovers something new - something incredibly important that unfolds within the "I".

We come to know our limitations, we come to know all the phenomena that an ordinary person would be unable to comprehend and understand, but with Knowledge we are able to leapfrog over this level and after a while no one and nothing can hinder or slow down our own personal development.

It is a monumental virtue by which we rise to our Gods and to Perfection itself. Through meditation, in the chaos of everyday life, in any situation, we are able to bring forth who we really are and unfold our future selves, which is the existential fruit of labour.

When we join this Path, something new, something special, opens a door to our mind and consciousness, and as we enter and pass through this door, we experience all the phenomena that lead to the source of our soul, the health of our soul and the development of our soul.

Our society is sinking lower and lower, thanks to the irrational, monotonous and significantly average series of actions carried out by the manipulated mind.

All this can be stopped with Knowledge.

Me too, you too, almost everyone here was once one of them. The knowledge of JoS has taken us out of this chaotic and destructive system in which a significant tendency of humanity exists to this day, and exists to this day without a relevant role for the community.

We are slowly getting to the point where people are abnormally doing what the "powers that be" tell them to do due to lack of thinking, because as time goes on, Knowledge is delayed and that too is an impediment to understanding. People lull themselves into a false empathy that will one day be their undoing.

Because the enemy's goal is to maintain the current paradigm, they are trying by almost any means possible to keep these people at the level they are at now, and that level is just below a normal and constructive level, and that darkness is coupled with a bit of nihilism.

Those who are advanced from here know what I'm talking about in this section. All you have to do is look at one person. His facial expression says it all, if you look into his eyes you will see the manipulation the enemy has used on him and you will see the helplessness deep in his soul.

These people are just a deluded part of the global paradigm and invasion that the enemy wants to bring in, and they need spiritual individuals who feed off of the spiritual mindset that the enemy himself has created, and that in itself is a mere irreligious illusion.

Speaking of illusion, I mention my book "The Unknown", which systematically takes you to the paradigm in which ignorance exists, and takes you from root to root, from beginning to end. In its content, it reveals myriad phenomena and ambiguous meanings.

This book is a full account of everything that goes on in this corrupt system.

The book itself, despite its lessons and its substance, is sad in its own way. It is a perfect analysis of all that we have been through, what is happening and what will happen. The pictures I have added are not just there to make the concept itself look good, they have meaning.

I have added Satanic imagery to my recent books, which should make you feel that this is Satanic stuff, so it has logic, meaning and significance. For example, in the book "The Unknown" it symbolizes that Satanism is what will end this and that Satanism is what will fix everything.

There are countless people walking around in the world who feel helpless about themselves, their existence and aspects of it. I am aware of my abilities and virtues, but lethargy often finds me, suddenly out of nowhere. At such times, I may not be able to fully appreciate myself and it unfolds.

I was walking and thinking recently, and I was in some despair, and I was thinking about things that I don't think are pleasing to my Father, to Satan, and they are affinities, and they are unfoldings, but every time I have to realize that Satan knows us and accepts us for who we are.

Many people misunderstand self-acceptance.

The part about accepting yourself, with all your faults and disadvantages, does not mean you don't have to change.

Knowing and accepting yourself is the first step to change. Accepting all that you have and are and changing your flaws. You need to perfect yourself and improve yourself. When you find happiness spiritually, it will be reflected in your outward appearance and self-image, not to mention your personality.

Animals can sense this too. Animals are quicker to love and bond with someone who is Spiritually evolved and who has Knowledge. With Knowledge, negative phenomena can be stopped, but the opposite can also manifest and start a systematic negative series.

Animals need love, care and nurturing. I cannot tell you how much I hate people who hurt Animals.

In ancient Civilisations, Animals were worshipped and held sacred, and many Gods and Goddesses have sacred Animals, such as Bastet with the Cat. Cats are highly Spiritual and hold great significance. The way humans would treat Animals is unspeakable and even sadder.

I would like to mention male-female relationships for a sentence or two. Women are oppressed and exploited in many ways, either sexually or just for pleasure. I must say that women are not inferior and play just as important a role in society as men.

I personally have a great deal of respect for women. I respect their tenacity, their responsible personalities, their strength and femininity itself, and that includes everything. I wrote a post about this in the beginning, but I didn't put them out there because I would have made a big fuss.

Back to the point of the post.

I was out for a walk recently, and while these chaotic thoughts were swirling around in my head, I looked up at the sky. Ravens were flying in the sky, quite a few of them. As they flew, I noticed what appeared first to be a Snake, then an Inverted Cross. It was the quintessential sign from my Father, and my doubts were forgotten.

The aspects of Spirit all manifest through development and lead us to all that Perfection encompasses.


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