Clarifying The Situation For The New SS - Personal Data, Development & More + A Message To Primal

It is necessary to write such a post from time to time, as the New SS come to us systematically, thereby finding their True Creator and their Gods, and joining the Path of Truth. Yet, many may not know what they should do to constructively exist.

Although there are several posts on this topic, I felt (after the recent attack) that there was a need for such a write-up to serve as a lifeline or help in protecting and basically defending the safety of the newly arrived SS.

The jews are at a part of their plan where things and events are becoming intense enough and destructive and surreal phenomena are beginning to take hold in society as a whole, and they alone are responsible. But because we are here, a monumental part of their plan is failing.

Many people do not understand the basics of Spiritual Satanism, starting with the relevant workings of the soul and mind, and from there the whole person, body, earth, environment and people. The vast majority of people exist in ignorance of life.

Spiritual Satanism teaches us to evaluate, re-valuateing, accept and change, purely by personal power. Many people despair over trivial things that they cannot cope with because of their own powerlessness, causing chaos.

The Joy Of Satan has been through a lot.

High Priests, High Priestesses, Members have left this Path, though new ones have always taken its place, so this trend has evened out over time. As the JoS was formed by the will of Satan, it marked the beginning of the fall of the enemy and for us the beginning of change and progress.

Thanks to the enemy, people have lost their relevant values and moral values and live in the paradigm that the jews invented and live in. Social media, negative outlook on life, low soul frequency - thank you (((them)))).

We would not be here, globally and spiritually, if a "race" had not appeared out of nowhere.

They don't care about my fate, your fate, or anyone else's fate. Although this is not particularly accurate, as they are interested in our fate. They care that we are dying, they care that we are enslaved, and they care about the collective destruction of our Pagan Society.

Therefore, to keep ourselves safe, we must take spiritual steps. Protective Aura, through proper affirmations, energy healing, systematic self development, working for the Gods and Satan, specifically the RTRs, communication and helping our fellow human beings.

More than once I have encountered new SS's giving personal information about themselves here on the Forums, such as name, or age, or perhaps place of residence/residence. This Forum is not just made up of Satanic People, the enemy is actively watching.

On more than one occasion, infiltrators have appeared who, in order to maintain a constructive appearance, have tried to gain sympathy and then empathy from the SS here, thereby infiltrating our circles and then trying to destroy it from within, but all to no avail.

Their excessive attempts show desperation, and with good reason, as their 'power' is coming to an end. Globally we are not at the top, governments are corrupt and looting their countries, lying in the media - mass manipulation is taking place worldwide.

This is what this era has brought, where human failings are becoming a monumental problem, where reason as a concept and as a virtue is losing its value. People go one after the other, they have no originality, no spark of an evolved soul. The spark is there, but the flame is not.

To return to the data.

Do not give your personal data, including everything. It can be understood that you are new to SS and your peers are important, it's completely understandable. However, you are risking your own safety because as I said, this forum is not only read by SS but (((others)))).

As an email address, it is advisable (and highly recommended) to use an account that you don't use elsewhere, or from a secure provider such as ProtonMail or Mailfence. These are encrypted emails and play an important role in security.

Using a VPN is also highly recommended, and even setting up a proxy in your browser will provide even more protection. I won't go into the systems again, as I've already written about them, but you should be safe on the internet in the forums.

I have also read that someone is personally spreading Spiritual Satanism. I am proud of you, but please note that the monumental majority of people are manipulated by the enemy, so your words will be interpreted with a destructive view, not to mention that you are betraying your religion to them.

When people hear the word "Satan", they immediately think of a monster created and nurtured by the enemy. As we know, this is not in the least bit true. Replace the colour red with grey and you get the look of jewhova.

The personal spreading and offering of Satanism is a bad example, as it endangers one's own safety. Stick to anonymous distribution of Joy Of Satan on the internet, it pays better.

If you live with your parents and have found this Path so soon, keep your experiences, plans and views to yourself. In most cases, your parents may also be of the Christian faith. You're lucky if your parents don't force religion on you, or perhaps don't even care. This doesn't mean you have to tell them what you believe.

You definitely do NOT have to.

Satan understands the human spirit, virtue and morality and knows exactly what you can and cannot do, what you should and should not do. You can do your meditations as if you were asleep, your Magical Practices in your Astral Temple, your RTRs in silence with the door closed.

Young people are particularly important here, as they start the development of their souls at a very young age, so they are capable of tremendous growth in their lives.

Primal wrote:

"Hello, siblings in Satan. How are you all doing? I hope you are all having a wonderful day.

Firstly, please allow me to assure you I am not suicidal despite the ugliness of the title. It's just the theme of this post of mine, and I will do my best to be as concise as I possibly can. Thank you.

I, Primal, just turned thirty-one two days ago. Throughout all my years on this earth, I have been beaten, abused, and tormented by so many people. The older, wiser, and more educated I get, the more I realize that the conditions of my life today, conditions that have categorized me as an absolute loser according to modern day standards such as being jobless and disabled, were not really my fault. I can blame so many things and so many people. I can even blame the Jesus thoughtform. No matter what, what is done is done. We can't go back to the past.

In a few days, I will have a session with my therapist of many years. She's been my therapist for many years. I think I am ready to accept her aid in filing for housing benefits for those who are low-income and disabled like me.

I have fought and struggled to rise above my station in life, have tried so many worldviews. For countless years I have been faced time and time again with the reality that no matter how hard I try, it isn't going to get better. I can tell you so many stories in my life that will absolutely break your heart, but I am not here to gain sympathy. All I ask is the following...

If things go right and I become independent with my own apartment, I will have all the free time in the world to spare. I will be able to devote my time reading books, lifting weights, and cooking healthy meals. With that free time, there is also no reason I can't devote time into doing Satanic power meditations and black magic and all that important stuff. I would finally like to devote my remaining years improving my soul. I was never given good fortune in this life, so I think it is time for me to prepare for my next incarnation. It is all I have.

Now that I am ready to commit to Satanic spiritual practices, what do you recommend I do daily? My goal is to improve my conditions and genetics for my next incarnation. I want to be physically, emotionally, intellectually, and philosophically stronger. I want the kind of life that gives me many opportunities to shine and be given the means in which I can defend myself towards cruel people who want to hold me back. So what should I do? I am already familiar with the 40-day power meditation program, so that one, yes? But what else aside from that?

Thank you, my friends."

First of all, I recommend Void Meditation, so that when you are in a bad mood or more melancholic, you can still clear your mind, preventing negative thoughts from flowing. With a clear mind you can do all of this, and not incidentally your Meditation/Magic practice will help monumentally.

Chakra meditations, energy breathing, visualization, self improvement, reading and learning will be extremely constructive to begin with. You will progress to higher and higher levels in your meditations, so your mood will improve. Strengthen your relationship with the Gods and Father Satan every day.

My heart sank when I read this. I am sorry for all that happened to you. You are a true fighter and a living example of perseverance and will. Don't be discouraged, you don't deserve it, but start taking small steps to change for the better.

Start with things like a more positive outlook on life. You are not a loser at all, you are SS and extremely important. Even if people don't care about you, here at SS you are always important and we know you can achieve perfection of your soul.

Although the situation is not easy. I'm sure you've been through a lot of pain and hurt as you wrote, but besides that, you have to realize that you are not to blame here. Do not be sad and lethargic because of the low level of understanding of ignorant people. You are more than that.

You have useful advice here and you have everything you need to improve your soul. If you have a lot of free time, then by all means concentrate that time on developing your own soul, your own mind, and reach a monumental level of Spiritual Satanism. The potential is within you.

Although life is not easy, I would like to share a little story with you.

It all started before I found JoS and was living a life of "chaos". I saw no meaning or significance in things, something was always missing. I had no goals, no ambition, no relevant vision for the future.

I started to use destructive substances (not drugs) and did not learn or improve myself at all. This period lasted for a while and then I found Spiritual Satanism. Before that I was interested in Satanism, I started with atheism of "Lavey" at an extremely young age.

I read the "Satanic Bible" and took notes, although apart from one or two interesting statements I didn't really understand the point.

Then, browsing the internet, I came across the JoS website and what I found there was fantastic. I read and studied it almost every day, studied and analysed long PDFs, and started meditating and then doing Spiritual work.

I progressed quite quickly. After I opened my chakras, I dove head first into advanced meditations because I felt I needed it. I skipped most of the basics because I was interested in the "higher" meditations and felt I knew the basics. That was a mistake, and if I had started with the basics I might be in a different place now in terms of morality and understanding.

This is also to encourage you to start from the basics. Get the basics, your basics. Know what you are good at, what you are not so good at. Life is a planning process, so without plans, life can become chaos, of which we become the protagonists.

I continued this negative lifestyle for a long time as a SS, when I posted here on the forums, it lasted. I have since corrected it, but I am still nowhere near completely clean. If I had any sense then, I would not have started this negative lifestyle.

The mistakes of the past are there to start working on in the present so that our future can flow in a constructive direction. You have strength, and I'm almost certain you are special, you just don't know it yet. Everyone has a special ability, we just often don't know it.

What you have received from life in the past, make sure it all comes to you constructively in the future. Be happy in your future, and ignore ignorant people, as their words are mostly ignorance in the face of a lack of understanding.

Accept Satan, the Gods, JoS into your heart. Let into your soul the bliss of meditation, the essence of self-improvement, and then keep it to yourself for the rest of your life. I believe in you, there is only one step left - you believe in yourself.


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