Enemy Groups In The Shadow Of Joy Of Satan - The Community Of Deceived People

The problem with many people is that they are unable to confront the misconceptions created by their own mentality, so they start spreading nonsense in certain social communities. The source of this problem lies in lies, as these people are often narrow-minded.

They are unable to accept all the phenomena that other, more enlightened or merely more intelligent individuals spread, because the way of thinking manifested by their own ego is superior to what they believe to be true.

The opposite is that if they think something is false, it is in fact false. Such is the paradigm upon which the system of Christianity operates, bringing into the world individuals with such a mentality.

One might ask why bother or waste time on this. The answer is that they are unwittingly a danger to the common good, as their tendency to adapt their fictions into mere phrases can affect impressionable individuals and can be manipulated to control them.

Faith is an innate phenomenon in man, it is just that many people seek it by knocking on the wrong doors, and these people will sooner or later be disappointed and end up where the existential centre of this post will be, but first the 'essence' of this phenomenon must be explained.

If a man who is charismatic or able to persuade people, or rather groups of people through his writings, then that man becomes a "leader" in the eyes of the group he leads and controls, and his every word is believed without any real doubt or reflection.

People with this mentality will tell their community whatever they want.

The group will believe it because they have morally reached the stage where they treat this person as a figurative "god" of the phenomenon, and are able to believe and program countless things into their thinking. You can't tell them if what they are doing is false or not because they are cold to it.

They can operate on a kind of "cult" principle, but the principle remains.

Cults need a leader, they need a crowd, a group. That's as far as they go and no further, and that's why I wrote it down as a principle. They rebel against an actual Knowledge, because it takes them to the euphoric egotistical level where they can enjoy the specialness that comes from this phenomenon.

These people may be desperate people who cannot adapt to the phenomena given by their environment, or simply have not learned to adapt. This mentality is built on the principle of uniqueness and being oneself, as there is no obligation to adapt to the herd mentality of the modern age that people represent.

I don't mean to say that these people are damaged or anything like that, it's not the case. It's merely that identifying with a person's actual fictitious and defamatory ideologies creates a destructive viewpoint, showing an affinity for the "leader".

In today's multicultural society we can still meet such people. There is a crowd, a group of people, where there is always one person who has attracted these people - the "leader". If he or she has managed to win the empathy and sympathy of the people, then from then on it is his or her responsibility.

He is responsible for them, because they act according to the view he has formed in them. Whether positive or negative, that is a fact. To join such a group just because many people are members would be foolish. You personally have to decide whether you need it or not.

People are simple because they draw conclusions and make judgements based on first impressions.

As mankind has regressed spiritually, so have morals and judgement, to name but a few examples.

This post is written largely because certain events have occurred that may be of concern. One of these is the deception that can befall us. This is mainly for new members, although there have been other examples that may have surprised you.

Enemy groups attacking and bashing JoS because they have nothing better to do can be dangerous in the monumental process of information overload. Skeptical people are quicker to believe all the fiction and bullshit these groups claim than the Truth.

You can say whatever you want here, make up whatever you want about any member, it still doesn't change the facts.

Such groups sustain themselves out of ignorance and that is the main driving force that keeps them going. They are a collection of impressionable people who, lacking actual experience and Knowledge, slander our Path just because a dictatorial leader makes made up statements that were made up in his head.

The answer is still that they don't matter that much. What matters are the people who are here now, who are fighting and who are aware of all that these groups are protesting against. Knowledge prevents negative action, but equally negative action prevents Knowledge.

Fighting corruption, capitalism and communism is a laudable cause. The problem is that JoS is not corrupt, not capitalist and not communist. This can only be claimed as "True" by people who have nothing to do with JoS or are just against it.

There always have been and always will be attackers of Truth.

However, we are not obliged to participate in the false ideological paradigm of these groups. These people really have nothing better to do than to sit in front of a computer and spout nonsense to their deluded followers and "preach" a systematic series of destructive monologues.

From here I also tell these groups to look around, gain experience and make rational decisions. Merely to judge something out of rebellion shows low self-esteem. You are not particularly bad people, but you should not declare your own misguided moral ideals to others.

People should be given a chance to gain experience.

You are taking away the essence of deceived people and not allowing these people to develop their personalities. They are merely prisoners of delusions you have created, supported by sources and explanations that are false to the actual reality of reality.

Finally, people who believe in them to some extent, hold to the essence of their Faith. Advance through Knowledge, not through hatred and slander. These groups exist because of ignorance, do not strengthen the army of the ignorant. You are worth more than that.

The Gods and Satan are here for you if you get stuck. They will help you find the right Path again if you doubt. Truth can only be attacked with slander, but the point remains the same - True is True.

Hail Satan!


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