Development Through Satan On The Path Of Truth - Destructive Hostile Infections In Society

When people talk about how much they know about Satanism and how they have experienced the destructive side of this Path, while being unable to start a meditation practice, they are setting up those they are talking to for failure.

Meanwhile, their minds have been imbued with delusions calculated from hostile dogmas, and their souls have been distorted over the years, and they are present as ghosts of Christianity in the low paradigm of existence, preaching lies.

Man chooses his own heart of religion. Christianity takes this away from man, as so many ignorant minds have manifested to dictate Christianity as a religion and as a "divine" phenomenon into the human mentality.

In today's society, if man does not conform, people despise him.

Since the others have adapted to the herd, we are talking about a completely different mind than what the concept of "mind" actually implies. Man is man by his soul, and he categorises himself by his mind and soul. Christianity takes that away.

We have had to come to the point where reason and understanding have slipped out of the hands of mankind and a systematic, chaotic series of insignificant phenomena have manifested themselves in the human mind, and this shows all that is happening now, globally.

It is the power of the soul that causes certain events to occur, and the ignorant are unaware of this. For him, today exists, or perhaps tomorrow, and he does nothing about the unimportant things, such as the Jewish pollutants that continue to destroy and destroy.

We live to break away from all that affects us on a negative level and we break away from them to improve our own lives.

When a group of deluded souls berate and slander their own Creator God, not knowing its true philosophical and quintessential value, they undermine their own destiny, which seals their existence.

To deny your own God is to deny your own life. Satan gave us life, breath, the source that is the mother earth of our soul's development. What did the jews give in return? Rewritten history, slander, and the list is monumentally long.

All the while, people preach lies in a series of systematic mind pollutions, purely out of ignorance or merely to make themselves feel special, which is also the result of low soul frequency.

Like all people, I am not perfect, I have my faults.

When I look back over the past years, both in terms of lifestyle and moral paradigm, I am horrified at the extent to which I have simply strayed from my Path. Everything was more important then than developing and nurturing my own soul.

The routine of this era has a long lasting effect on the human mind and mentality, as this Path shows us what we cannot get elsewhere - life. It is here that we truly live, and until we find it, our lives up to that point are a systematic attempt to find a better life.

Once here, we are morally enlightened and, in the presence of Gods and Satan, we manifest the dormant power of our souls that we would otherwise be unable to do in this corrupt social system. This is what is ingrained in us.

We have walked in the areas of life tainted and lazy because something was missing in us. Something that someone gave us - Satan.

Working and striving with Gods strengthens and nurtures our relationship with Them, and that is something the average person cannot understand. We have insight into the higher dimensions, so that in our souls is manifested the already awakening power that dwells with us, or rather in us.

There were times in my life when I didn't feel I should stay here. These reasons were all part of the enemy's nefarious games, of which I was aware, yet they manifested themselves in realistic ways.

I mentioned in one of my posts (perhaps several) that the enemy often attacks us on things that are important to us - they attack what we give them the opportunity to do, and weaken us in the process. We must not underestimate them, however disgusting they may be.

If you don't give them an attack surface, they can't reach you.

I'm sure there are those who find these lines harder to understand, but the point in a nutshell is to know yourself. Self-knowledge can easily be traced back to the above, and just as easily prevented as it was started.

If you know yourself, you have no attack surface in this regard. We must also consider that we are often the enemy of ourselves.

Those who do not know themselves can be quite a target for attack. Very simply put, one such vile and destructive attack, both moral and spiritual, is the "Am I Jewish?!" attack. If you know yourself, you can't be touched by this.

My posts have several purposes. The first is that in all that I write to the community, I try to help the community and hope that you are doing well. What I write may seem repetitive, but there is a point to it.

If you look closely, none of my writings are the same, yet they have a kinship, and that is the Knowledge from which the help comes. I relate more things to more things at once, and in the paradigm of understanding, this is a constructive phenomenon, as more things are understood by the reader at once.

My purpose here is still to honestly say I don't know what it is. I may be in a high position in a short time, I may be out of here in a short time. All of this is the fate and hopelessness of the future, but we are building our future in the present.

Finally, I would say to SS that the times we live in are not a series of constructive phenomena. The essence of what my Guardian has said is that the current times are a series of chaos and abomination, and the enemy is actively on the move.

It is all thanks to us, the Rituals and Joy Of Satan. It is because of us that they must try with all their might, because we have retaliated. They may be desperate to try, but time is running out as the corrupt and Jewish system comes to an end.

Perseverance and proper Spiritual protection is needed. May the Gods and the Powers of Hell Protect Us on the High Path of True Spirituality and keep us collectively united to go through all of this and Our Side will prevail in the end.

The spirit, which is an undeniable part of our body, is awakening.

The mind, which is the driving force of our spirit, is being amplified. Our body, mind and soul are perfected through Satan.

Hail Satan, The True God!


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